We made our Spring Fund Goal of $40k and the money has already been put to work:
- We have a New Roof and Gutters on the LOFT
- We have Insulation and Fans in the LOFT!
- The Stooge, our tool and pedestal/chair storage shed, had a BIG facelift. (Thank you Rick Block)
- We have new stairs and railing at the top of the drive going to KOYA!
A special shout out to member Kris Malone and her husband Ed Grossman for their amazing $20k donation match!!
It takes all of us lending a hand – AND that is the theme of our current Gallery show: Working Together: Collaborative Art.
We have two colorful hands greeting you as you enter the Center now – Thanks to Tim Ryan and the 38 other who helped to make the sculpture.
The Exquisite Gardener Collective came one Saturday in May and 17 others painted and collaged large puzzle pieces that are now in the Gallery: A surprise portrait of John Muir!
As a thank you to our Members, we have planned a Member Summer Social on July 22.
Not a member yet? Join before July 22 and then join the party!!
Thank You!
Erma Murphy, Executive Director