Next Online Show TBA


O’Hanlon Center for the Arts



By submitting artwork to be considered for any Exhibition, Artist understands and agrees to Gallery Policies shown below.

Online Exhibits

By submitting artwork to be considered for any Exhibition, Artist understands and agrees to the following:

  • Participants: Open to all artists age 16 and over.
  • Artwork Eligibility: Works previously shown at the O'Hanlon Gallery online are not eligible.
  • Exhibit Curation: For most exhibits, not all artists will have artwork selected for showing. Final artwork selections are up to the Exhibit Juror(s) and/or Installer/Curator, both of which vary from show to show.
  • Artwork Sales: Buyers will pay Artist directly for any art sales. Artist agrees to contact OHCA of this sale and make a donation to OHCA of 30% of the sale price, on all sales of artwork within the first 60 days of the exhibition. This includes all artwork exhibited in an OHCA Gallery, in an online OHCA website gallery, and facilitated by OHCA. Donations to OHCA are tax-deductible to the extent permissible by law.
  • Artwork Pricing: Artwork does not need to be for sale. You may mark a piece as NFS (Not For Sale) or POR (Price on Request.)
  • Publicity: By submitting work, artists agree that photographic images and/or video of the artist and/or their artwork, in whole or in part, may be used by OHCA in various forms including but not limited to print, online and social media.
  • Newsletter: Artists agree to be added to O'Hanlon Center newsletter mailing list and can unsubscribe at any time.