Planned Giving

Planned giving is an opportunity for supporters like you to create a lasting impact by making a special bequest in your will or other estate planning documents.
Often it just takes a sentence or two about the funds, stocks or property you would like to leave to O’Hanlon. Because it is considered a donation, your bequest can offer significant tax relief and, in some cases, generate income for your beneficiary.
You may include us in your estate distribution plans through a will, life insurance policy, retirement fund or charitable remainder trust. The donation can be in any amount and will help ensure that O’Hanlon is here for future generations.
Planning a future gift is a great way to create a lasting impact by offering long-term benefits and support for the organization close to your heart. Many of our supporters have already chosen to include us in their wills in addition to supporting us through volunteering and annual gifts.
If you would like to include us in your estate planning documents, simply contact your financial advisor or legal representative. If you then let us know about your future plans, we will have the welcome opportunity to thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity.
For inquiries, email plannedgifts [at] or use the contact form on this page.