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Women’s Meditation Circle on Zoom

October 9, 2024 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Series Event Series (See All)

Wednesdays 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.

10 sessions from September 11 – December 11, 2024

Register for 5 sessions at a time: $75 or $60 OHCA members
Your prepaid dates do not need to be consecutive.
Single drop-in session: $20.

“Go into yourself and see how deep the place is from which your life flows.” Rainer Maria Rilke.

Drawing on mindfulness practices and Buddhist perspectives, we attend to the breath and present moment awareness, so that we may step back from inciting thoughts and emotions, loosen the grip of the past, and open to silence. Through these practices, the mind settles, and the heart opens and softens. We touch the inherent goodness within, cultivate compassion for self and others and learn to engage fully with life, no matter what comes our way.

Includes instruction, guided meditation and silent practice, poetry, readings, and writings.

Open to all. No prior meditation experience necessary. Participants are encouraged to attend every meeting to receive the benefit of regular practice within a supportive, spiritual community.

Zoom dates:

September: 11, 18, 25
October: 2, 9
November: 6, 13, 20
December: 4, 11

To register over the phone contact the O’Hanlon Office at 415.388.4331

You will receive the Zoom link from Catherine after you register.

Questions about the group?
Email Catherine: catherine@catherineflaxman.com

Catherine Flaxman headshot

Catherine Flaxman

Catherine Flaxman, M.A. LMFT,  is a licensed psychotherapist with a private practice in Mill Valley.  Catherine has been meditating since her teens, went to India in her 20’s and began practicing Vipassana (Insight meditation) over forty-five years ago.  She has taught meditation at O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, been a guest teacher at Spirit Rock, and conducted a weekly meditation group at the Mill Valley Community Center for five years.

Women’s Meditation Circle on Zoom


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Additional information


Non-member, OHCA Member

# of Sessions

5 sessions, single drop-in


October 9, 2024
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Categories:




OHCA Staff
(415) 388-4331


Catherine Flaxman
OHCA Member Price
$60 for 5 sessions
Regular Price
$75 for 5 sessions